B2Run is a platform dedicated to companies wishing to promote a healthy lifestyle within their environment. Kick Off Events brings partnering organisations together for a 5 to 6km run that starts and finishes in iconic stadiums in Bucharest, Iași and Cluj.
Memories outside the office
Workplace chemistry contributes to making our work lives more enjoyable, and performance more considerable. B2Run offers participants a medium where they can harness teamwork, enjoy networking, complete challenges together and get to know what makes each other tick. We believe that teams that understand each other well and face challenges together, perform better and are more bound to work together for longer periods.
Championing a healthy lifestyle
B2Run can be an amazing part of internal health oriented initiatives. We believe that long-term professional success comes as an extent of our overall fulfilment. Kick Off Events helps companies promote and implement a culture through which they look after their teams.
For all those who value running excellence, B2Run offers prizes and the chance to compete with peers from different countries. So find yourself as the team captain that goes past the finish line first, or simply, the fastest runner and make time for competing at the final in Koln.
Exciting enough?! We believe so as well! With that being said, the best part is yet to come. Each event comes with its own afterparty. So in case 5km weren't enough to satisfy that weekend energy burst, we got your back!
Sharing your values with the world
Our belief is that companies that care about the value they bring to others have the future in front of them. B2Run gives partners a chance to share their ethos with people from their own organisation and beyond. We can consult and find well-targeted ways in which you can support wellbeing and build on a company culture that focuses on progressing together.